Keeping My Network Small

Super interesting! That’s what I thought when two people commented with differing opinions about a topic completely unrelated to my original post, last week. Wait, what! Cue the Twilight Zone music…. Crazy, right? They were the inspiration for this...

What Will People Think of Me?

What will people think of me when they see I’m looking at their profile? That’s a question that came up in a coaching session. She’s new on LinkedIn and looking to grow and learn from people on the platform. Know what my response was? “I love when people look at my...

FAQs of Connecting With Strangers

I don’t know you. Why would I want to connect to you? Has that thought occurred to you? If so, you’re not alone. Every single day we get connection requests from complete strangers and we’re faced with the decision of whether or not to connect. f you...

You Don’t Have To Live on LinkedIn!

You don’t have to be on LinkedIn 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I don’t live on the platform. I am a mom of three. I drive them all EVERYWHERE. Every weeknight I’m a Mom Taxi. So many weekends I spend hours supporting them at their...

Fun facts!

Hey! I’m Deanna Russo, nice to meet you! Fun facts! 1. My husband and I met at a Super Bowl party in 1996. That means we’ve been together for 27 of those big games. Super Bowl Sunday is a BIG deal for our family of five. Who am I rooting for? The commercials. Monday,...

Do you know what an EMOM is???

I had no idea what it meant until I did one. When I heard the definition I instantly thought, “I can totally post about this AND relate it to my LinkedIn biz!” EMOM stands for every minute on the minute. You do a prescribed number of reps of an exercise in less than a...

How is Creating Content Like Fitness?

Do you remember those Richard Simmons or Jane Fonda workout videos? OK, now try to put aside the images that first come to mind – you know the sweatbands, short shorts, leotard or spandex. Do you know what made those workout videos so famous? You might say the...

As needed.

Those are the two words that the doctor said but my takeaway is: You don’t need to come back for follow-ups. It’s over. As needed…meaning only if you have symptoms. And…the lung cancer saga is over. It started with a car accident, the car was totaled. I went in for...

I don’t have time to do all the stuff on LinkedIn.

Have you said that? If so, I challenge you. I challenge you to make the time. I answer all the DMs that come in my inbox. I respond to all the comments on my posts. I am posting content multiple times a week. Do you know what? I do that even though I have what some...

“It was a pretty easy decision to work with her.”

“She loves what she teaches.” “Her response to questions is fast, concise, and spot on.” “Her approach to working with others is personable and in a way that will make people feel good about themselves.” I’m humbled to receive these kind words. For the first time...