Celebrating is great. 🎉

Liking is nice. 👍 Loving is well…kinda cool. ❤️ If you aren’t commenting on posts, you’re missing the bus. 🚌 Engaging with posts with something more than “Great post!” is lending your voice to the conversation. It’s allowing your connections to get to know you better....

Did you know that there are 774 million people on LinkedIn?

What sets you apart from all those people? The goal for your LinkedIn profile is to be different. It’s not about being one of the millions, you should want to be the unicorn, the rainbow, or the neon green or neon pink icon among all the gray ones. Be different, be...

Do you have a schedule?

Do you ever wonder how you fit everything in? Me too. You know what? You prioritize. In order to grow your presence here and make LinkedIn work, you have to make LinkedIn a priority in your schedule. It doesn’t take 8-10 hours a day. It doesn’t take 4-6 hours a day....

I took a typewriter class in high school.

Yep, I’m that old. Now I get to explain to my kids what a typewriter is. “A computer that’s not a computer.” Well, my idea of a typewriter has taken on a WHOLE new meaning. I’m not a fan of it. I just wrapped up a 6 week workout program...

Brushing teeth…eating…getting dressed.

These are all things I do every day. Do you know what I don’t do every day? Post on LinkedIn. 🕵🏼‍♂️ Michael Zwick 🕵🏼‍♂️and I were chatting about this today. You don’t have to post every day but what you should do is be consistent when you post. Engage with...