Do you know what an EMOM is???

I had no idea what it meant until I did one. When I heard the definition I instantly thought, “I can totally post about this AND relate it to my LinkedIn biz!” EMOM stands for every minute on the minute. You do a prescribed number of reps of an exercise in less than a...

How is Creating Content Like Fitness?

Do you remember those Richard Simmons or Jane Fonda workout videos? OK, now try to put aside the images that first come to mind – you know the sweatbands, short shorts, leotard or spandex. Do you know what made those workout videos so famous? You might say the...

As needed.

Those are the two words that the doctor said but my takeaway is: You don’t need to come back for follow-ups. It’s over. As needed…meaning only if you have symptoms. And…the lung cancer saga is over. It started with a car accident, the car was totaled. I went in for...