You Are More Than Your 9 to 5!

We are multi-dimensional humans. We are moms, dads, sisters, brothers. We have hobbies AND some of us have side hustles. So why are we JUST talking about our primary jobs here? Why can’t we showcase those side hustles, our second jobs, our third jobs? Are they...

Pay Attention! People Are Using the Mobile App!

“Ugh. I can’t read your banner.” UGH!!!! That’s what I thought when someone with more than 13,000 followers wanted to connect with me. I was using the LinkedIn mobile app when I looked at her profile. Just because they’re creating content...

I’ll Just Google It!

I’ll just Google it. I’m sure you’ve said that phrase at least a few times this week. Google is not only the world’s largest search engine. It’s a “go to” when you’re looking for information about…well…anything. I did a test using Google. I typed in… “What makes a...

Learning doesn’t have to be long-winded.

For the next few days, I’m going to give you one quick thing you can do to take your LinkedIn profile from drab to dynamic! First, let’s talk about the education part of your profile. If you are listing your high school in your education section and you...

You can ring my bell…ring my bell!

Yeah, everything has a connection to music. I heard about the new feature on LinkedIn from John Espirian, LIAM DARMODY, and Mark Williams. If you LOVE someone’s content on LinkedIn and want to see more of it….do this. Go to that person’s LinkedIn...