We Don’t Like It So Why Are You Doing It?

57% of people polled say the biggest problem with LinkedIn lately is when people pitch in the DMs. 172 people voted for that option in a poll I posted. It didn’t surprise me but it definitely inspired me. So why don’t you… JUST STOP!!! I’m not...

Who starts a conversation with a thumbs up?!

Picture this:  you’re driving down the street… You see a “thumbs up” sign.  Perhaps you might think “Nice!”  Then you keep driving. Now, what if someone stopped you and asked, “That’s a great car!  What model is it?  When did you get it?”  Wouldn’t you answer...


Visibility! It’s the word that comes up again and again when I talk with people about LinkedIn. How do I increase my visibility? How do I get more eyes on me and what I do? How do I get more eyes on me? I wish I could give you a magic potion or a simple “do this and...

I love commenting.

Not only do I do it on a consistent basis every day, I also hope my connections do it too. Yesterday I got a connection request from someone who “can help your business STAND OUT on LinkedIn”. That’s what I do. So I thought, “Let’s take a look at his activity to see...

“Never stop selling yourself!”

A new friend of mine said that this morning and I said “That’s a LinkedIn post!” Too many people here aren’t focused on that and it shows here. When you optimize your profile, you should be paying attention to the details. Each section (from the top all the way down)...