Who starts a conversation with a thumbs up?!

by | Apr, 2023

Picture this:  you’re driving down the street…

You see a “thumbs up” sign.  Perhaps you might think “Nice!”  Then you keep driving.

Now, what if someone stopped you and asked, “That’s a great car!  What model is it?  When did you get it?”  Wouldn’t you answer and have a conversation?

Do you see the difference?

A like on LinkedIn (or any social media platform for that matter) is a passive way of showing your appreciation.  There’s really nothing active about tapping that icon.

Commenting (AKA engaging) with someone’s post shows that you authentically care.  You authentically appreciate that person.  You authentically appreciate the content. You REALLY want to have a conversation!

You got something out of it.

Time to take a step out of your comfort zone and comment.  I don’t mean “Great post!”.  I mean genuinely contribute to the conversation.  What makes that post so great?

Comment on LinkedIn the way you would talk to me in person. Have a “back and forth” with the author!

Try it sometime.  Engagement opens up doors.

At Leverage Up, LLC, we give our clients a commenting STRATEGY! We help them come out of their shells and have conversations…WITH the people they want to be seen by. Picture a networking event and going to those conversations with intention.

I’ve had clients tell me “Stategic commenting has opened up so many offline conversations, I should have done it a LONG time ago!”


Engagement is just one piece of the 3 piece solution (AKA the Leverage Up, LLC triangle) to grow your business on LinkedIn, if you want to have a conversation on how to make it work for you, let me know.

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