12 takes –

That’s how many versions of my banner image I did until I was happy with it. Even those of us who work with our clients can learn a lesson here. I knew it was time for a change. I knew that I wanted to capture my Purple Squirrel Magnet and my logo. I also wanted...

What makes you different?

I get that question a lot, got it today actually. There aren’t too many “Purple Squirrel Magnets” on LinkedIn. So that’s one thing. I also have a triangle strategy that’s unique. If someone calls himself or herself a LinkedIn trainer or coach, that doesn’t mean that...

I took the word authentic out of my about section.

Why? I want my authenticity to speak for itself. It’s one thing to call yourself authentic, it’s another to let your true colors show so other people refer to you as authentic. There are some people who are one way online and another in person. You won’t get that with...

Is your LinkedIn profile optimized?

Are you showcasing your best self on this platform? Have you gone through each part of it and checked anddouble-checked that you’re showing your best self? That’s one part of the “LinkedIn triangle” that I help my clients with. I’m...

Do you have a brand?

It’s a word that is often tossed around but here on LinkedIn, branding yourself is super important. A big part of branding yourself is your LinkedIn profile. Here are a few questions to ask yourself in regards to your LinkedIn profile. 1. Is my profile picture over a...

How much does experience matter?

Wait, I’m not trying to start an argument here. I’m not talking about the importance of working at a job for 5, 10, 15, or even 25 years or longer. I’m talking about experience on your LinkedIn Profile. When I’m working with my client on optimizing his or her LinkedIn...

“I want people to come to me.”

I said: “I can help with that.” That was a part of a conversation with a prospect yesterday. Inbound sales is an amazing thing. I don’t like cold calling. It’s probably my least favorite thing about sales. Good thing is I don’t have to do it. Since I started engaging...