Celebrating is great. 🎉

Liking is nice. 👍 Loving is well…kinda cool. ❤️ If you aren’t commenting on posts, you’re missing the bus. 🚌 Engaging with posts with something more than “Great post!” is lending your voice to the conversation. It’s allowing your connections to get to know you better....

Do you have a schedule?

Do you ever wonder how you fit everything in? Me too. You know what? You prioritize. In order to grow your presence here and make LinkedIn work, you have to make LinkedIn a priority in your schedule. It doesn’t take 8-10 hours a day. It doesn’t take 4-6 hours a day....

Do you know who your ideal client is?

Do you know how you solve problems for your clients? Do you know who your center of influence is? If you’ve answered yes to all of those questions, congratulations! Now, let’s use answers to those questions to help you engage better here. It comes down to keywords. A...

Fed up. Take no prisoners. They have got to wake up.

Those thoughts best describe how I feel about people tagging for visibility. I don’t know that person but because he or she sees I have a large network, I’m being tagged (with lots of other people) in that post…JUST FOR VISIBILITY. Nope, I’m done. I’m blocking...

Picture this: you’re driving down the street…

You see a “thumbs up” sign. Perhaps you might think “Nice!” Then you keep driving. Now, what if someone stopped you and asked, “That’s a great car! What model is it? When did you get it?” Wouldn’t you answer and have a conversation? Do you see the difference? A like...

What is Engagement and why does it matter?

You can like and comment on posts here…multiple times a day…7 days a week. That’s not the meaning of engagement. Engagement means contributing to the conversation. It means giving value in return to that person who posted with value. Engagement means...