We Love a Good Story, So Tell Us Yours!

Creating content on LinkedIn can be confusing. Some people just don’t know what to post, or how to post, honestly, there are more questions than answers! Wait, what should I do to create good content here??? Some might also say it’s intimidating. LinkedIn...

How Is Rock Music Like LinkedIn?

Are you ready to ROCK???? Like a good hard rock song, LinkedIn needs a good beat. Your content on LinkedIn needs a good beat, ROCK ON! If your content has one tone (think the musical tone not the literary tone, flashback to my days of English in high school)...

Trust Is Not Given, It’s EARNED!

LinkedIn is turning into Facebook. I see that comment quite often. While I disagree, I understand where the statement is coming from. I’m a big fan of being human here. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, LinkedIn is not B2B, it’s H2H....

You Are More Than Your 9 to 5!

We are multi-dimensional humans. We are moms, dads, sisters, brothers. We have hobbies AND some of us have side hustles. So why are we JUST talking about our primary jobs here? Why can’t we showcase those side hustles, our second jobs, our third jobs? Are they...

Don’t Just Tell Us, Show Us! Relate To Us!

Want to Know Why I LOVE creating content here on LinkedIn??? As the song goes in Grease “Tell me more, tell me more!” Content for me here is not just writing a couple sentences.  It’s not just posting a picture. It’s not just posting a video. It’s...

People Are Watching Even If You Don’t See Them

Do you know what happens when you post content here or anywhere on social media? You put yourself out there. That’s right, it’s risky. The thing is, if you don’t post content here or anywhere, then it’s a risk too. You read that correctly. Not...

What Type of LinkedIn Post Will Get Me Clients?

“What type of post will get my phone ringing?” “What type of post will get clients booking calls with me?” If I had the answer to that question, I’d be rich!!! Social selling, using content to generate inbound leads, is not about a “one size...

What Should I Post? How Often Should I Post?

What should I post on LinkedIn? Thank you for asking!!! I’ll answer that question with even more questions! Who is your ideal client? Who are you directing your content to? What’s going on behind the scenes? What conversations are you having at work? What...