LinkedIn Conversations

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We Don’t Like It So Why Are You Doing It?

57% of people polled say the biggest problem with LinkedIn lately is when people pitch in the DMs. 172 people voted for that option in a poll I posted. It didn't surprise me but it definitely inspired me. So why don't you... JUST STOP!!! I'm not saying that LinkedIn isn't a place where you can...

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FAQs of Connecting With Strangers

I don't know you. Why would I want to connect to you? Has that thought occurred to you? If so, you're not alone. Every single day we get connection requests from complete strangers and we're faced with the decision of whether or not to connect. f you don't know whether you want to connect with...

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Who starts a conversation with a thumbs up?!

Picture this:  you’re driving down the street... You see a “thumbs up” sign.  Perhaps you might think “Nice!”  Then you keep driving. Now, what if someone stopped you and asked, “That’s a great car!  What model is it?  When did you get it?”  Wouldn’t you answer and have a conversation? Do you see...

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You Don’t Have To Live on LinkedIn!

You don’t have to be on LinkedIn 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I don't live on the platform. I am a mom of three. I drive them all EVERYWHERE. Every weeknight I'm a Mom Taxi. So many weekends I spend hours supporting them at their activities. You don't have to be on it 24 hours a...

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BRAND NEW Feature on LinkedIn!

Look what LinkedIn did!!! All LinkedIn activity has exploded so we can find stuff so much easier now! Here's the video on how it works...hear my excitement too!  

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Visibility! It’s the word that comes up again and again when I talk with people about LinkedIn. How do I increase my visibility? How do I get more eyes on me and what I do? How do I get more eyes on me? I wish I could give you a magic potion or a simple “do this and get the attention of...

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Fun facts!

Hey! I’m Deanna Russo, nice to meet you! Fun facts! 1. My husband and I met at a Super Bowl party in 1996. That means we’ve been together for 27 of those big games. Super Bowl Sunday is a BIG deal for our family of five. Who am I rooting for? The commercials. Monday, I’m hoping to post about my...

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I’ll Just Google It!

I’ll just Google it. I’m sure you’ve said that phrase at least a few times this week. Google is not only the world’s largest search engine. It’s a “go to” when you’re looking for information about…well…anything. I did a test using Google. I typed in… “What makes a really good LinkedIn profile” I...

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Stand Out From Other Fish!

I don’t know of too many people on LinkedIn who have gills or fins, but people here are just like a bunch of fish swimming in a HUGE pond. 🐠 The fish are the prospects for entrepreneurs who are “fishing” on LinkedIn. 🐠 The fish are the recruiters or hiring managers for job seekers who are...

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