What makes you different?

by | Oct, 2021

I get that question a lot, got it today actually. There aren’t too many “Purple Squirrel Magnets” on LinkedIn. So that’s one thing. I also have a triangle strategy that’s unique.

If someone calls himself or herself a LinkedIn trainer or coach, that doesn’t mean that he or she does the exact same thing I do.

Let me give you an example. I came across someone who uses “LinkedIn Trainer” in the headline/tag line. That person has less than 1,000 followers and only posts once a month.

I might be able to understand the posting once a month if I saw that person commenting consistently.

I teach my clients is to be consistent. Posting once a month is NOT consistent.

Just liking posts instead of commenting to add to the conversation is NOT enough either.

Before you choose someone to work with here on LinkedIn, do your homework.

If you want to build a presence on this platform, you have to walk the walk and talk the talk.

What expertise do you look for when you’re hiring someone?


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