Know, like, trust…know, like, trust…know, like, trust. We can say it until the cows come home. What does it really mean?

by | Oct, 2022

It means ask the questions.

Do you ever see something on someone’s LinkedIn profile or in someone’s content or something he or she writes in the comments and you think “I want to know more.” How many times do you ask, “Can you tell me more”???

Believe it or not, if you ask most likely you will get an answer.

Gillian Whitney asked me the question when she interviewed me for her LinkedIn Easy Peasy podcast. She asked “Where did your Purple Squirrel Magnet nickname come from?”

So I answered.

I’ve been using the hashtag for years and it all started from a conversation that I took and then did a video about it on LinkedIn because even three years ago I wanted to help.

Ask the questions. DM that person and open up the conversation. Will it lead to business? Maybe. Maybe not. Will you get a reply? Maybe or maybe not.

You just might get a chance to get to know that person more than you did through their online presence.

You never know where that conversation will go.

The power of audio and video DMs too…use the tools LinkedIn gives you!

Would you like to ask me a question? I’m an open book. Doesn’t have to be LinkedIn related, can be family related, football, music, anything! Ask away right here!

#knowliketrust #relationships #linkedin #leverageup #purplesquirrelmagnet

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