I’ll Just Google It!

by | Jan, 2023

I’ll just Google it.

I’m sure you’ve said that phrase at least a few times this week.

Google is not only the world’s largest search engine. It’s a “go to” when you’re looking for information about…well…anything.

I did a test using Google. I typed in…

“What makes a really good LinkedIn profile”

I looked through the articles that popped up and found myself agreeing with some things like “note your accomplishments”.

I agree with that one because your LinkedIn profile should be a place you brag about…you.

I also agree with the Forbes article that says: “One of the best things you can do for your career is to have a terrific LinkedIn profile.”



Google doesn’t have all the answers to everything.

I disagree with the same article that said this about your LinkedIn headline: “Be specific using standard titles that are typically found on a job search site”.

Here’s why I disagree…

Yes, you should have the keywords for the job titles you want to be found for. I disagree with using JUST that standard title in your headline because it’s about standing out from the masses. Using JUST the keywords doesn’t make you stand out.

What makes an account executive at A company different than the account executive at B company? Probably plenty. Different responsibilities, different personalities, different people.

Moral of my story? Google doesn’t always have all the answers. Don’t trust everything you read online.

I’ve been teaching people how to differentiate themselves from others on LinkedIn for nearly three years. My clients have seen the results, more visibility to the people they want to have conversations with.

More visibility leads to more conversations…BOOM!

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