I do.
Junk mail, AKA unsolicited mail, has one place and that’s in the recycle bin.
The same thing goes for unsolicited emails. When I get unsolicited emails, from people or businesses who send me emails because we’re connected on LinkedIn, I take action.
I unsubscribe to that email blast, sometimes I unfollow, disconnect, and block that person.
I feel very strongly about my inbox. It’s precious. When you send unsolicited emails to me, I take that as a sign of disrespect.
That being said I understand how hard it is to build an email list.
After all, I am going to be expanding my email marketing strategy. 40 people have subscribed already. 10 more and I will take the steps to put together my first email to go out to those who subscribed.
EVERYONE who subscribed did it voluntarily. I’m not subscribing people to my email list without their permission and I recommend everyone here do the same.
My email address is precious as is yours and unsolicited email belongs in the trash/recycle bin.