STOP Talking About What You Want To Do…Make It Happen!

by | Jun, 2024

Have you ever wanted to do something but haven’t seen the possibilities to make it happen?

Maybe it just seems so unrealistic of a goal, that you wouldn’t even know where you would start the process.

What if I fail???

Or it just seems like a dream that doesn’t have a means to an end.

We can make this dream come true!!!

I’m here to tell you that you can make it happen.

Writing a book was on my list of goals and I’m happy to say that I’m a step closer to making it happen.

The Muppet Show was one of my favorites, if this doesn’t make you smile and reflect, I don’t know what will!

In a matter of months, I’ll be a published author.

Yes, that’s right.  I’ve just finished writing a chapter for a book that targets small business owners.  It’s a collaborative book, I’m one of 22 people who’ve written a chapter.

Here are a few of my insights following the process…

Are you ready???

Write about what you know.  For me, this is LinkedIn.   While the project was a little daunting at the start, I knew what I wanted to accomplish with this chapter and I knew that my words would pour out.

The words did come but it was a process.  I didn’t write it in one sitting.  I wrote the 3,000-word chapter a little bit at a time and with the deadlines that were put in place, I was able to do it in phases.

What will the reader get out of this chapter?

Open up your mind and the ideas will pour out!
  1. I open up about the story that brought me to LinkedIn.
  2. I open up about the work that needs to be done before implementing the strategy
  3. I open up about the triangle strategy that I created and that guides me and my clients.
  4. I open up about the insights that should guide you through each step of that strategy.

If writing a chapter or a book is on your “bucket list”…

Find yourself a good publisher who knows what it takes to get the job done.

For me that was Laura Di Franco and her company Brave Healer Publications. Laura set guidelines and deadlines for each chapter and she provided suggestions throughout the process.  It’s not just Laura, I’m now part of a community of authors who have all written or are currently writing books with her.  She’s amazing!

Want to know how I heard about Laura’s book project?

Saved the best part for last!

I was already talking to a couple of people about their book projects when I saw Laura’s post about this project on LinkedIn.  Yep, the power of LinkedIn rings true once again.  I saw her post, reached out, set up a call, and boom I signed up.

Your goals do not have to sit on a list, with the right mindset and the right resources you can make it happen.

Do you think I should add the word author to my LinkedIn profile or is it too soon?

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