People Are Watching Even If You Don’t See Them

by | May, 2024

Do you know what happens when you post content here or anywhere on social media? You put yourself out there.

That’s right, it’s risky. The thing is, if you don’t post content here or anywhere, then it’s a risk too.

You read that correctly. Not posting content means you are risking any opportunities that would happen if you did post content. So allow me to be the first to encourage you to post.

When you do post content, you get reactions, you get comments, and then you get…people who are watching you and what you’re posting and not reacting or commenting. Those are the BEST people.

I know that you may not understand, and the answer may cause you to get emotional. Let me explain. The people who don’t react and don’t comment are the best people BECAUSE they are watching you and they are following you and they are eating up your content without telling you.

They are all potential referrals, potential conversations, potential clients, potential possibilities.

Don’t get me wrong, I love all the reactions and I love all the people who comment but the people who aren’t reacting and commenting, I don’t get frustrated or angry with those people, I know they are watching and waiting.

They will always be potentials.

Take the risk, post the content, and embrace the potential opportunities.

You can thank me later.

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