Fun facts!

by | Feb, 2023

Hey! I’m Deanna Russo, nice to meet you!

Fun facts!

1. My husband and I met at a Super Bowl party in 1996. That means we’ve been together for 27 of those big games. Super Bowl Sunday is a BIG deal for our family of five. Who am I rooting for? The commercials. Monday, I’m hoping to post about my favorite ad.

2. My degree is in Broadcast Journalism. I was a radio reporter and news anchor. I was a TV News Producer, and wrangler of cats (meaning the person who kept the show running) in three different newsrooms. Storytelling comes easy for me because I LOVE telling stories. My biggest pet peeve of TV news shows is typos on the graphics.

3. My first job (earning a real paycheck) was a library page. That’s what they called the teens who did it all – from shelving books to checking out books to making sure the shelves were organized. To this day, my kids LOVE going to the library.

4. I have one of the most eclectic and unique tastes of music you will ever find. The same girl who went to see the Stadium Tour featuring Poison, Motley Crue and Def Leppard also sang along to every single one of Burt Bacharach songs that were played this morning in his obit pieces. RIP. Call me a dork, geek, whatever. I have yet to find a use for all my music knowledge.

5. I’ll throw in a LinkedIn one because that’s my business. I have 27,406 followers, BUT I follow more than 33,000 people here. That proves I’m not about the numbers because I’m all about know, like and trust to BUILD relationships. I’m happy to make introductions even if I haven’t spoken with that person.

I’ve been posting content here since Halloween of 2018, and I am the only LinkedIn strategist with the triangle strategy who takes people to the conversations.

BONUS: Over a year ago, I applied to be a contestant on Wheel of Fortune. Haven’t heard if I’ll be selected, but who knows????

Now it’s time to open the conversation. Ask me ANYTHING and I’ll answer in the comments.

Sharing a “throwback” picture of my hubby and I.

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